Matthieu Mantovani, director and creator of images produced by artificial intelligence.
Matthieu Mantovani belongs to the emerging generation of video directors who seamlessly blend their traditional expertise with the power of artificial intelligence. While this medium is still in its infancy, it is already evident that, from an artistic standpoint, it holds the potential to open up new horizons in advertising and music video production. However, it's essential to keep in mind the broader implications of this democratization of video creation. The consequences for professionals in the field are likely to be multifaceted, and numerous industries could ultimately be affected.
Travis Scott / Sirens
Mathhieu Mantovani, you are the author of AI-generated photos and videos. In your opinion, what perspectives does AI video offer?
The video is a few months behind AI photos. But it's certain that at the rate AI is advancing, in six months or a year, we will have videos with very realistic rendering, and we will see new worlds and a new aesthetic emerge (just like in photography). The upcoming years are going to be incredibly rich.
It's a revolution and, at the same time, a logical progression. Certainly the most significant since the invention of photography or the printing press. There's no rupture, but rather continuity. AI will be recorded in the history of art as a step towards something else.
In the realm of video, the only limitation is resolution. We'll just have to wait for better resolutions, maybe just a few months, to achieve a "broadcast" quality rendering. But AI is not the only tool. It is (already) being combined with other techniques. I can already see other directors, artists, and photographers using it with skill and creating truly new and fascinating things. It's the combination of numerous tools that I find interesting.
What are the longer-term prospects regarding artificial intelligence and video creation?
It's an invention that both frightens and fascinates.
AI works much like we do. It draws from our cultural background, takes inspiration, reinvents, but always with an intention that originates from an individual. At least, that's the case today. It's a highly intuitive tool, a continuation of us, of our way of seeing and imagining. The possibilities are enormous, truly impressive.
We are going to witness the emergence of new artistic forms in all fields, from film and design to music, installations, architecture, and scenography.
What's frightening is what lies ahead. In photography, the relationship with reality and the truth of images is compromised. We have already seen AI-generated images that are impossible to distinguish from real photos. It's a vast subject.
But it goes far beyond artistic creation. The question arises when machines start making their own choices, having their vision, their thoughts, and their grammar. When AIs possess knowledge and answers that individuals do not. When Apple introduces its personal coach, when our therapist becomes an AI, when our general practitioner and radiologist are AI, when students have AI tutors, and when we confess to and listen to an AI priest... It will change our relationship with the world. And when Goldman Sachs predicts 300 million unemployed in 5 years, it sends shivers down the spine.
So, these are some of the questions I ponder and explore through my images—the fantasies inspired by this tool and what the world will look like tomorrow.
Do you, for example, envision the creation of advertisements through these applications ?
I have been approached to do advertising campaigns. There are already many things that have been published, and there are already agencies and productions that are on the case.